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2020 Mitzvah Makeover - Celebrating Josh’s Bar Mitzvah in the Age of COVID-19 with Live-Streaming.

Updated: Oct 22, 2020


In the age of COVID, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to have proper gatherings and events. Crowds must be limited and socially distant from one another, and masks are required. This has led to an increase in live-streaming, where the event is filmed to a remote, viewing audience. This especially came in handy for The Montage Maven in the taping of Josh’s Bar Mitzvah!

Taking place at Congregation Kneses Tifereth Israel in Port Chester, New York, this was “the first time [the synagogue] has hosted a public service since March, [the beginning of the pandemic],” as stated by Rabbi Ben Goldberg. The Montage Maven had the great privilege of helping them make this a reality with our smaller, socially-distant production crew. This consisted of a Producer, Audio Technician, and a Camera Operator. We also had two cameras, as well as all the necessary equipment for the live stream. Our BTS team followed proper COVID-19 protocols and put together a wonderful production. The viewing audience watched the live-stream in high-end 1080p HD, while the cameras were recording in 4K to ensure the highest quality possible.

And speaking of the viewing audience, Josh’s family and friends were able to gather on a landing page created by our team. It was custom-made and unique to his big event. We utilized the invitation by placing it front and center, with the video shown from above.

Below this was a comment section, allowing viewers to chime in with their special messages, whether they were personalized notes to Josh or light-hearted comments meant to entertain! This website differs from platforms like Facebook and YouTube because our team makes them from scratch, and creates it with the theme of the event in mind - wholefully unique to the subject! And above all, no ads on the page or on the video at any point in time.

Josh started the service by greeting his virtual guests using three different languages. “Good Morning, Boker Tov, Buenos días a todos.” He continued, saying “Thank you all for joining me to celebrate my becoming a Bar Mitzvah with my family and me. Even though we are not physically together, we are together in spirit.” He acknowledged the viewers from the USA, Israel, and Costa Rica, where some of the family members reside.

Yvette, Josh’s mom, greeted the Grandparents and special guests watching the celebration virtually from across the world, saying, “Though we much rather had celebrated with all of you in person, we are happy to know that we nonetheless share this moment with you.”

With the proper equipment and an excellent BTS crew, all who attended both virtually and in-person got to “see our boy being called to the Torah,” as mother Yvette put it. It was a wonderful and joyful event, and we were thrilled to be a small part of Josh’s big day!

With the large question mark looming over our heads in regards to a return to normalcy, the Live Streaming option is proving to be the best solution. Mitzvahs are so reliant on social gatherings, which makes times like these very difficult for families all across the nation. The montage component has remained untouched, and we thankfully have a blessing with modern technology, so today’s Bar and Bat Mitzvahs can be celebrated in the comfort of our own homes!


About The Montage Maven:

The Montage Maven is a video production company in Westchester County, NY, specializing in creative photo montages made for all of life’s important events. From bar/bat mitzvahs to weddings to anniversaries, our creative team is dedicated to providing an entertaining, personalized video for the focal point of your party. Beyond sharing great memories, our montages captivate audiences through techniques such as dynamic photo movement and 2D animation.

We believe every great montage should be a story and reflect the subject’s style and interests. We incorporate any assets you would like including old photos, home videos, movie scenes, and your favorite songs. We can infuse a theme such as the 1970s, soccer, Hollywood, Saturday Night Live, or the New York Yankees.

Outside of photomontages, The Montage Maven provides an array of digital services including video editing, event shooting, live streaming, video transfers, and media duplications. We may be based right outside New York City but have worked with clients across the country and internationally. We invite you to explore what we can make for you.


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